Broccoli with Cheddar Cheese Sauce

00Having a bechamel sauce, also known as a white sauce, in your recipe book is a must.  It can really elevate many of your dishes like macaroni & cheese, lasagna and vegetable platters.  This sauce is very special to me because it was my equivalence of cake batter.  Growing up, my mother never allowed my brother and I to eat raw batter because of the uncooked eggs.  She always felt that it was unsafe, so unfortunately, like most of you, I don’t have fond memories of sitting at the kitchen counter going to town on a whisk; however, her bechamel sauce was what we were allowed to eat out of the pot.  The addition of different types of cheese she used, always felt like we were trying something new.

I make this recipe on special occasions and love to serve it with roasted chicken.  I also use cauliflower.  I strongly recommend steaming your broccoli instead of boiling.  It will do the least amount of damage to the nutrients in your vegetables.  Steamers are very affordable and a must buy in my list of kitchen appliances.  An alternative option, is to place a metal strainer/colander on top of a pot and fill the pot with water.  Make sure the bottom of the colander/strainer does not touch the water.  Hope you give this a try.  Enjoy!


  • 1 head of broccoli (1 1/2 pounds)
  • 1  1/3 cup of cheddar cheese
  • 1  1/4 cup of milk
  • 1  1/2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • salt & pepper to taste

Preheat over to 375.  Steam broccoli until tender but still crisp, about 5 minutes.  Melt butter in a small saucepan over low to medium heat, until foamy. Whisk in flour until the mixture is well blended and darkens slightly, about 2 – 3 minutes.   Gradually stir in milk, while whisking, until the sauce thickens, about 4 – 5 minutes.  Add 1 cup of cheese, stirring until completely melted. Season to taste with salt and pepper.  Pour sauce over broccoli and top with the remaining 1/3 cup of cheese.  Place in the oven for 10 minutes, until the cheese melts.

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